How we work for sustainable public transport

Conscious procurements
When we procure new traffic, we impose far-reaching environmental requirements, such as driving traffic with climate-smart fuels, energy-efficient vehicles and limiting noise and emissions. We work with and support the transport companies so that we can carry out the environmental work together with them.

By 2030, all city bus services within Västtrafik will be electrified. We have already come a long way in the transition and are leading the way in the development of electrified traffic.

Environmentally adapted buildings
Public transport properties are built taking into account the environment and climate at all stages. E.g. using sustainable materials and low energy consumption. To allow for it solar energy is produced on the roof surfaces.
Environmental objectives
Our overall environmental goal is to reduce emissions of climate-affecting gases per passenger kilometre by 90 % by 2035 compared to 2006. We also aim to:
- Emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter per passenger-kilometre must be reduced by at least 80 % by 2035 compared to 2006
- 30 % less energy will be used per passenger kilometre by 2035 compared to 2006.
- By 2030, only fuel produced from renewable sources will be used in public transport, regardless of the type of transport.
Here's how it goes
- Between 2006 and 2023, we reduced our emissions of climate-impacting gases per passenger kilometre by 71 %.
- Since 2006, we have reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides by 46% and particulate matter by 11 % per passenger kilometre.
- Fuels from renewable sources account for 98 % of public transport in 2021, calculated per passenger kilometre.

Guidelines for environmental work
The starting point for Västtrafik's environmental work is the Västra Götaland region's traffic supply programme, which sets the direction for public transport in the region. We also base our work on the region's environmental and climate strategy.
In addition, we contribute to the government's vision that Sweden will be climate neutral by 2050 and that the vehicle fleet will no longer depend on fossil fuels by 2030.