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Västtrafik AB - About us

Västtrafik is responsible for public transport in the Västra Götaland region, Sweden. Every day, over 444,000 customers choose to travel with our buses, trains, trams and boats. By developing and offering sustainable trips and smart services, we want to be the obvious choice when you travel. In this way, Västtrafik contributes to provide a foundation for sustainable growth in Västra Götaland. An attractive and competitive region.

This is what Västtrafik does

Plan traffic




In close cooperation with our partners, Västtrafik forms a public transport system with the customer in focus. We enable residents to travel together to work, school, leisure activities and drive the development towards sustainable traveling. We are simply a part of both your everyday life and the future. Västtrafik's more than 900 routes are run by partner companies procured in competition.

Västtrafik's Annual Report 2021 (pdf, opens in a new window in Swedish)

Västtrafik's Sustainability Report 2021, (pdf, opens in new window in Swedish)

Part of the Västra Götaland region

Västtrafik AB is owned by the Västra Götaland region. The regional council decides on Västtrafik's budget and produces, every fourth year, a traffic supply programme that specifies how public transport is to be developed in the long term. The overall goal is to double the travels with Västtrafik from 2006 to 2025.

Västra Götaland region's website.

Västtrafik in one day

  • 947,000 journeys with the regular public transport
  • 7,000 journeys with the call-driven traffic
  • 1,857 buses, 101 trains, 263 trams, 36 boats
  • The vehicles drive 47,500 miles, nearly 12 laps around the world
  • Our Travel planner is used 1,200,000 times

Management and Board of Directors

Lars Backström
Lars Backström
Roger Vahnberg
Roger Vahnberg
Senior Vice President
Pernilla Bergwall
Pernilla Bergwall
HR manager
Maria Björner Brauer
Maria Björner Brauer
Head of Sales and Marketing
Camilla Holtet
Camilla Holtet
Head of Development
Sara Frank
Sara Frank
Financial Manager
Anna Johansson
Anna Johansson
Head of Business Unit
Thom Birkeland
Thom Birkeland
Head of IT
Sara Ihrlund
Sara Ihrlund
Head of Unit Delivery

Bijan Zainali (S), Göteborg, Chairman

Kent Lagrell (M), Öckerö, Vice-Chairman

Ingrid Andreae (S), Göteborg

Benny Halldin (S), Kållekärr

Åsa Karlsson (S), Götene

Eva Abrahamsson (M), Smögen

Marcus Källander (M), Götene

Glenn Ottosson (SD), Göteborg

Anders Strand (SD), Vargön

Oskar Karlsson (V), Västra Frölunda

Jessica Thunander (V), Floby

Lars-Inge Andersson (KD), Tostared

Roland Karlsson (C), Tvärred

Martin Karlsson (L), Göteborg

Karl Johan Nordensten (MP), Göteborg