How to buy your ticket
The first thing you need to know is where and how to buy your ticket. The easiest way is to use the To Go app. It also calculates the itinerary for you. Just type in where you want to go from and where you are going and the app will show you both departures, alternative itineraries and what ticket type you need. You pay directly in the app. Don't forget that the ticket should be activated before you go on!
You can also buy a ticket in one of Västtrafik's stores or at an agent. There you can buy a paper ticket or Västtrafik card with account charging.
Map of all the places that will help you with the ticket purchase.
On trains, trams and some buses you can also buy a ticket on board. On the tram there are ticket machines, on the train you can buy a ticket from the train host and on the bus you can buy a ticket from the driver. If you are going by boat, you will find the ticket machine on the quay. Once you have bought your ticket, it is valid on both bus, tram, train and boat.
How long is the ticket valid for? A one-way ticket is valid for 90 minutes for one zone and 180 minutes for several zones. For day tickets you can choose the validity period of one or three days and for season tickets you can choose 30 days, three months or one year.
Discover Västtrafik To Go
You can download the Västtrafik To Go app for free in the App store or Google play. In addition to buying a ticket and searching for an itinerary, you can use it to see where different stops are located, how long your ticket is valid and where the tram or bus is located. You will also find up-to-date traffic information about your journey during road works, accidents or delays. If you buy a single ticket often, you also get a discount in the app.
If you have bought a season ticket in the app, you will receive reminders when it is time to buy a new one. You can also lend the season ticket to someone else when you do not need it. Click on "lend ticket" and enter the recipient's phone number. You will automatically get your ticket back at 04.00 the same night.
Another smart thing is that you can bring three young people with you for free on your season ticket if you are an adult and have bought the ticket in the app. More about how to travel with three young people.
Wondering if it's crowded on the bus? When you search for an itinerary, the app indicates how many people are expected to travel with the line at that time. The forecast is based on what travel has looked like recently.
There's even more to discover in To Go. The app is constantly updated with new features that make it easier for you to travel.
Three zones – that's how it works
Västtrafik's area is divided into three zones: A, B and C. If you travel within a zone, it costs the same regardless of which zone you travel in. When you travel through several zones, you need to know that the ticket is valid for the entire route.
Search for a stop and see which zone it belongs to, the next departure, stop map and stop locations. You can also enter an address and see which stops are nearby.
This is how the zones are divided
A: Gothenburg, Partille, Mölndal and Öckerö.
Tips on destinations in zone A.
B: Ale, Alingsås, Härryda, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Stenungsund and Tjörn.
Tips on destinations in zone B.
C: Bengtsfors, Bollebygd, Borås, Dals Ed, Essunga, Falköping, Färgelanda, Grästorp, Gullspång, Götene, Herrljunga, Hjo, Karlsborg, Lidköping, Lysekil, Mariestad, Mark, Mellerud, Munkedal, Orust, Skara, Skövde, Sotenäs, Strömstad, Svenljunga, Tanum, Tibro, Tidaholm, Tranemo, Trollhättan, Töreboda, Uddevalla, Ulricehamn, Vara, Vänersborg, Vårgårda and Åmål.
Tips on destinations in zone C.
How to be a nice traveler
In public transport, it is important to take each other into account. Here are some things to keep in mind to make sure everyone has a more enjoyable trip together:
- First off, then on. Let the travelers on board get off before getting on. Stand by the side of the doors while you wait.
- If no one is going on or off at a stop, we don't always stop. Help the driver - press the stop button well in advance or stand visible at the stop. If it's dark – feel free to use reflectives!
- If you are going to travel with animals, keep it on a leash, bag or cage. Let the animal sit on the floor to avoid the fur sticking to the seat. It makes it easier for allergy sufferers.
- Always use headphones if you are going to listen to music or watch movies. Then you avoid disturbing your fellow travelers.
- Keep adapted seats clear to those who need them, such as older people, pregnant women, wheelchair users and strollers.
- Wear a seatbelt if it is on board. For your safety and that of your fellow travelers.
- You are allowed to eat and drink on board trains, as long as it does not disturb your surroundings. On buses, trams and boats, you are allowed to eat simpler things such as fruit. It is not allowed to drink alcohol.
- You may not smoke or use e-cigarettes on Västtrafik's vehicles. You are also not allowed to smoke on platforms, stops or outside entrances to Västtrafik's travel center and shops.
Split your journey
By using commuter parking, you can easily divide your trip. Get to the station or stop by car or bike, then travel collectively the rest of the way. Perfect for those who live outside the city but work centrally.
All commuter parking on a map.
If you would rather bring your bike on board trains and boats, it is fine subject to availability. If your bike can be folded, you can also take it on trams and buses.
In the Västtrafik To Go app, both walking and cycling are included as travel options for shorter trips.
Customer service helps you
Hope you now feel ready to get out in public transport. And if you have any questions, just contact customer service by phone, chat, email or Facebook.
- Published 2022-11-18